Egypt’s Economic Courts: Homosexuality is Explicitly Criminalized Under Cybercrime Law
In recent judgements obtained through Cairo 52’s pro bono legal representation program, the Economic Court in Alexandria, through multiple rulings, has emphasized... Read more.

Your Kind Is Not Welcome Here: A Study on the Treatment of Queer Foreigners by the Egyptian Authorities
The report analyses how Egypt treats queer foreigners once they are identified as queer. The information is based on an analysis of Egypt’s immigration laws and... Read more.

Sexually Guilty: Custom Morality and the Persecution of the LGBTQ Community in Egypt: A study on the methods used by the Egyptian State to persecute Queer individuals and its violations of the rule of Law and international human rights treaties backed by Case Law from 2001 to 2021
Summary: Egyptian society is a generally conservative binary one, where any identity outside of the narrowly sanctioned social binary is considered immoral and taboo.... Read more.

The Legal and Media Obsravtory of Sex Work Crimes in Egypt
Introduction: The criminalization of sex work in Egypt is relatively new for modern Egypt, as it was not legally criminalized until 1951. On the contrary, the legal... Read more.

This World Cup, the Biggest Loser was LGBTQ+ People in the Middle East and North Africa
In 2010, Qatar won its bid to host the World Cup, and only recently did Western media and football teams show concern over LGBTQ+ rights during the World Cup.... Read more.

Queer Not in the Army: A Study and Guide on Conscription’s Exemptions Based on LGBTQ+ Related Reasons in Egypt
Every year, many Queer people across Egypt are faced with a heavy burden; applying for the nation’s compulsory military service, and every year Queer people ask... Read more.

A Litigation Guide on Crimes of Sex Working and Homosexuality (Prostitution and Debauchery): Supported by Legal Principles from The Court of Cassation and Defense Memorandums Presented in Front of The Egyptian Courts, in Addition to an example of a Constitutional Memorandums on Article 9(C) of Law 10/1961
Summary: This an English Summary of the book “A Litigation Guide on Crimes of Sex Working and Homosexuality (Prostitution and Debauchery) “. The book aims to... Read more.

Battle of the Wazzir: The Day Sex Workers Resisted
The Wazzir alley was one of the many alleys of the infamous Wagah El-Barakh region, where legalized sex working was common and where the pubs were as far as the... Read more.

Places in the History of Sex Work in Egypt: Tal Zynhom
Tal Zynhom, which translates into Zynhom’s Hell, was a huge hell that was outside the old city of Cairo near El-Sayeda Zainab district. In this hell a different... Read more.

When the night speaks: The slang dictionary of the legalized sex working industry in Egypt
This dictionary has a number of the slang language used during the era of legalized sex working in Egypt i.e. from the late of the 19th century until Mid-20th century.... Read more.