Region Trans Archives

Welcome to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Trans Archives! We are pleased to introduce the first and only open-access database dedicated to transgender rights in the MENA region.


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Research Unit

Our Research Program is dedicated to promoting social justice and empowering marginalized communities in the MENA region.

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Media Unit

We are committed to using media as a catalyst for societal transformation and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.

Cairo 52 calls on the Egyptian Government to Accept and Implement Human Rights Recommendations Received in the UPR Process

Cairo 52 and its partners took part in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) fourth review cycle of Egypt, with two shadow submissions. The two submissions focused on two key thematic areas regarding the violation of the fundamental right to health and anti-discrimination for transgender and intersex individuals, as well as

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Egypt Moves to Close a Loophole Allowing Transgender Individuals Access to Legal Gender Recognition

The Egyptian authorities appear to be exacerbating the difficulties faced by transgender individuals, who already contend with a prohibition on gender-affirming healthcare and various obstacles in obtaining legal gender recognition, compounded by the absence of protective measures and the active criminalization of their identities. Recent developments have intensified these challenges,

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Steps Forward After the Abolition of Article 198 in Kuwait

Introduction: In 2007, the Kuwaiti National Assembly amended Article 198 of the Penal Code to criminalise “imitating the opposite sex in any way.” This amendment, proposed by MP Waleed Al-Tabtabaei, a well-known Islamist MP associated with the Salafists, aimed to enforce traditional gender norms. With overwhelming support from the members

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Cairo 52

Cairo 52 Legal Research Institute, the inaugural regional legal institute with a distinctive emphasis on the matters concerning sexual and bodily liberties of marginalized communities.

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To establish a society that possesses a comprehensive understanding of its fundamental, sexual, and bodily human rights.



To effectively communicate legal information clearly and promote human rights and body autonomy, provide legal assistance to marginalized individuals, and create a platform to amplify silenced voices.


Your contribution will help the institute go further empowering people in need of the institute’s services and productions.