Case No. 80419 of 86 JY – Egypt
Litigation Degree: FirstCase No: 80419/68 JYIssuing Court: Administrative CourtJudgment: Unfavourable, the request for legal gender recognition was deniedJudgment Date: 24/01/2016
Litigation Degree: FirstCase No: 80419/68 JYIssuing Court: Administrative CourtJudgment: Unfavourable, the request for legal gender recognition was deniedJudgment Date: 24/01/2016
Litigation Degree: FirstCase No: 861/2003Issuing Court: Court of First Instance Judgment: Favorable, the request for legal gender recognition from male to
Litigation Degree: FirstCase No: Unknown of 2023Issuing Court: Civil Status CourtJudgment: Favorable, the request for legal gender recognition from female
Litigation Degree: First Case No: 80/2017 Judgement No 234 Issuing Court: Civil Status Court Judgment: Favourable request for document change
Litigation Degree: FirstCase No: Unknown of 2023Issuing Court: Court of First Instance Judgment: Unfavorable, the request for legal gender recognition was
Litigation Degree: Third Case No: Unknown of 2008 Issuing Court: High Court Judgement: Favourable, request for document change was granted;
Litigation Degree: Third Case No: Unknown of 2017 Issuing Court: High Administrative Court Judgement: Unfavourable, the request for legal gender
Litigation Degree: SecondCase No: Appeals No. 41691 and 43507 of Case No 80416/62 JYIssuing Court: Supreme Administrative CourtJudgement: No final
Litigation Degree: FirstCase No: 3867/66 JYIssuing Court: Administrative CourtJudgement: Unfavourable, the Court decided not to grant the plaintiff’s request to
Litigation Degree: SecondCase No: 1123/2015Issuing Court: Court of Appeals Judgement: Favourable, the request for legal gender recognition from female to male